
#CuppaHeartChocolate uber-short story 1 : 

There is this deserted piece of land behind our street where the entire neighborhood dumps scrap and garbage. That's where i first saw her walking one early morning. She was old and frail. Against her grey hair, dark wrinkled skin ,old brown night gown n torn slippers, what stood out was the bright blue milk packet she was carrying. She stopped walking right at the scrap dump n opened the milk packet n started pouring it in a big discarded TV panel acting as a bowl. Out of a thorny bush came 4 stray puppies and started drinking it happily. The big hearty smile she gave them and the lapping sound of puppies drinking milk was such a beautiful scene. After that i saw her doing this everyday in the same old nighty and same old slippers. One milk packet costs 20 rupees. If she didn't buy milk for 10 days she could afford better slippers or clothes or even milk for herself but she chose to feed , to give and to love. This heart warming act of kindness touched my heart and taught me true essence of generosity.

-Razina Zainudeen


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