You don't have to cheer up!

The soul crushing, heart wrenching, excruciatingly painful sadness that you’re feeling is reasonable and justified. The rage, the tears and the pit in the stomach are real. Whatever happened or did not happen to cause this pain is not trivial. It is a big deal.Don't let anybody or anything tell you any different. You’re a human with memories and feelings. Hurtful things and wounding things are bound to break your heart. You’re not at fault for being affected by this sorrow. From this corner of the world, I can tell you that if I were in your place I would be devastated too. You don’t have to cheer up and start farting rainbows from tomorrow. Just because you don’t cheer up, it doesn’t mean you’re holding on to the pain voluntarily.

Your friends, family and well-wishers may ask you to let go and might also make you “see” that it is not worth mourning over. Ignore the content in their words and only take the intent. Their intention is to be supportive. Those are words out of the care which they have in abundance and understanding which they might be lacking. They will be lost too if they were in your shoes. Sure, things can be worse but that doesn’t make it hurt any lesser for you. Time heals everything they say but it doesn’t heal you if , like a prison the time itself is the wound. Everyone has problems they say but that doesn’t mean your pain is any lesser. You don’t have to listen to those words .They are coming from a place of ignorance and desperate need to console you. Shut out those words .Take only the feeling and the love out of it.

There will also be some energy vampires and perpetrators who would invalidate your pain and disregard your feelings. Those people are your enemies. Their mean words are coming from a very sad and sick place. Out of their own insecurities and prejudice. Those words are not true. You know your truth.You know your worth.You know your story.


For you to heal you need to grieve, you need find the answers on your own, get closure from within, cry, shout, scream, explode and vent out. All your repressed feelings that are stuck in your chest like a dark murky sludge has to come out. Shed those tears, let out your feelings, shun the fake smile, bare your heart and bleed. You’re not weak. You don't have to fake it and smile. Real courage is being true to yourself with real feelings and emotions. You are strong. You are resilient. You are unstoppable.Nothing or no one can defeat you. Right now, it is dark but it will change. Not so soon. It will take long. So long that you will feel it is endless. Then it will change. Your life will transform. All the love you invested in the past will come back multi-fold. All the goodness you’ve shown this world will find its way back to you. Help and support will come from unexpected ways. Your world will be filled with god sent people and fortunate events. Remember that possibilities are infinite and opportunities are abundant. Until then, you just need to stay alive and keep moving. Shed those tears and vent everything out. You don’t have to let it go. The pain will let you go because you are strong .

You don’t have to let it go!

You don’t have to cheer up!




  1. This is the best! Not everyone can feel this and the way you have put it is beyond words! Beautiful

  2. Very different perspective but I really like it. Also I totally agree. There is a sort of clarity in the writing that make me understand the pain from persons point of view. Good article for both the person who is undergoing such an event and the other side that is trying to help them recover from it. ‘Pain will let you go because you are strong’ is a powerful statement.

    So simple yet powerful.

    1. Aww.MK .I can't believe you read this one fully and lined it too.Thanks for such a detailed comment and compliment <3

  3. Loved this Razi. I could resonate with every sentence... Keep going. There are many who need to hear this :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Aww Akka<3.Means a lot coming from you. Thank you.xoxo


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